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If you are looking for ideas, consider checking news feeds such as Google News, Yahoo! News, or even consider Reddit. Typing in any subject will generally bring up any relevant news related to the topic and can definitely get your creative juices flowing. https://kingsofkungfu.com/

Kings of Kung Fu

Quantity over quality - If you churn out ten posts in twenty minutes for various blogs, then congratulations you are not only a sp  Kings of Kung Fu eed writer, but you've likely wasted your valuable time. It is highly doubtful that these posts are going to be intriguing, maintain a good flow, or even have all of the qualifications needed to be accepted onto strict and high PR sites. Spend twenty minutes on a single post instead and reap the rewards from bagging a fantastic backlink! If you don't have the time to spend on a great blog post, consider hiring a content writing service instead! If you're content is engaging, interesting and solves a problem, it is highly likely people would to link to it by themselves


